Hi everyone! As I have been offline, I haven’t blogged in a while, but I am reconnecting with myself and my purpose and just living in the moment. I want to take the time to offer my late celebrations to all the fantastic mothers and mother figures in our lives! Last week, my father and I treated my mom to a delicious seafood buffet, where we enjoyed delightful strawberry lemonade daiquiris, French toast, omelets, ice cream, and so much more. She was in bliss as we shared stories and conversations, as the guitarist sang covers of some of our favorite musicians, Blue Suede Shoes by Elvis, Love and Happiness by Al Green, and so much more. We truly enjoyed ourselves! It made me happy to see my mother happy. I’m enjoying her cake and eating it, too, literally lol.
So often, we fall into the hustle and bustle of everyday life when we have actual sentimental celebrations, like Mother’s Day. We must shut out all the noise, disconnect from online, and genuinely remain present in real-time. I hope you all got the chance to celebrate with loved ones, family, and friends.
Can you believe that the 4th of July is almost upon us? That’s truly wild. As I said, it has been a while since I’ve blogged, as I’ve taken some time away from the blog since I needed more inspiration. I’d be lying if I said I always have the best topics to discuss or blog about. But just like any other field in our personal lives, sometimes the first draft isn’t good enough to publish, and other times, some thoughts are better kept for privacy reasons and to check in with oneself to ensure how we are truly feeling. That is a true gift to possess. I want not to word vomit on WordPress but to provide that my words, typed or spoken, are thoughtful and inspirational in some way, shape, or form.
Life, as told by Morgan, serves to share my vulnerability of life, my experiences, on my canvas. It serves to share some of my private thoughts, struggles, achievements, and chaos with others who are experiencing similar things in their Life or experiencing it in the corporate world. I created this blog space hoping that one day, someone would stumble across my website, read an article or two, and say, “Hey, this young lady is talented; she’s on the right path!” Or, “She’s not wrong; I’ve experienced that too.” Having the courage to start a dream and stop holding yourself back in the beginning is never easy. We can sometimes doubt ourselves and question if we are at that place in our lives to make little progress. So, we psyche ourselves out by saying, “No one will read this, no one even knows my blog name, no one even knows I created this; this is a waste of time.” These are all things I have spoken outside and internally to myself. The almost guilty feelings of questioning why we started and aren’t seeing progress or rewards. If we aren’t careful, these words can so heavily pollute our minds and poison us, creating a lack of motivation and becoming obsessed once again with self-comparison.
Although I haven’t blogged in the past three weeks, I enjoyed being present and celebrating with friends and family. I also needed to be more motivated; I needed more inspiration and couldn’t think of a story to create, let alone a topic to discuss with a crowd who still needed to learn I existed. I wondered if I was wasting my time, if this was beneficial, and so much more.
Recently, I resumed reading, “How are you, really?” Jenna Kutcher has sparked my interest once more to return. She mentions in the book that even if we have days when we are constantly questioning ourselves as to why we began, what the actual payoff will be, if any, and what the end goal is, it’s the little things. The little progress equates to the bigger pictures that lead to more significant opportunities, more expansive spaces, invitations to speak at seminars, friends gatherings, or, if you’re like me, inspiring family members every single day. As I mentioned before, I never said I was an expert on all things of Life or perfection. However, there is beauty in vulnerability, and shedding the mask to speak naturally, honestly, and rawly regarding societal pressures, the corporate workforce, and navigating a healthy balance of love and acceptance of yourself and others in your 20s.
Think about it: greatness isn’t just stumbled upon and achieved all in one night. Stepping into the light takes dedication, time, self-doubt, fear, and overestimating. One of my favorite basketball players, Stephen Curry, is a beautiful story of determination and steadfastness, no matter what the naysayers say. So many undermined him because of his size, constantly hearing, “You’re too small to play that position, you’re not that great, he isn’t ready, etc.”. If we aren’t careful and funnel out that pollution, we begin to believe what we can’t achieve when the truth is.. why not? Why not take that risk and change zip codes to allow your soul room for growth, development, independence, and evolution of your personality?
The thing about change is that it is inevitable. I mentioned how, as much as we try to avoid or deter nature for as long as possible, we can’t deny it. Change is coming for us all, whether we like it or not. Change doesn’t need an invitation, unique ID code, time, date, or location; change comes when we least expect it, but she grows us most profoundly. Sometimes, we fight against change, which causes more of a triggering response because we weren’t prepared for the fight. Our guards were low, so we had this animosity against allowing growth to change us for the better.
We only have two choices, loves; we can accept change by acknowledging the unpredictability but prepare ourselves to adapt and continue or pivot our storyline as best as possible. Or, we can hold on to the original emotions of being caught with our guards low and constantly having our defenses up when considering change, therefore avoiding everything that stimulates growth, associating the first time we were first to step outside our comfort zone to how detrimental it was, how long it took to recover, and limiting our heart, mind, and soul the ability to expand beyond our comfort zones mentally and physically in Life.
We can’t control all things around us. For example, we can’t control the seasons, sunrise or sunset. We can’t prevent natural disasters or control when the tides are low or high; however, we try! We create all of these chart diagrams and become obsessed with our birth charts, astrological signs, and what the temperature was at the time of our birth (clearly, I’m exaggerating on the last bit, but bear with me) even as we try to search and digest every single sign for why we are a particular way mentally, physically, and behavior wise, a detail we thought we knew or assumed, may be incorrect. It’s not our duties nor our jobs to perfect every single detail or sign in our Life before we allow ourselves to fully accept that we can not control change, embrace the ride without fear, and courageously rise with the ability to release, realign, and refocus on where Life is taking you.
I have plenty of stories where my stories did not end how I predicted, or as hard as I tried to position myself for them, they did not come true. Life is too precious to focus on every detail, obsessing about when we feel ready to move, when we’re fully healed to date, when we’ve saved enough money to take those trips to Italy finally. Here’s an honest piece of advice from my mind and me. We, as a whole, who may suffer from anxiety, be obsessed with planning or have to have every single detail aligned before acting, we must, I repeat, must live Life more wholesomely, presently, and take those damn risks!
Italy will not be cheaper in two years, honey. It’s a popular destination, and who doesn’t love our European vacations, so we might as well join them! Love, don’t knock on your door when you’re fully healed; sometimes, it can be very random. Take it from me, a young lady in her 20s, obsessing on healing, revealing her heart to strangers I’ve met in one night, friends I’ve known for years, family, and strangers online. It doesn’t get perfect overnight, but it does become more accessible as we release these damn perfections and statistics we have set in our hearts that are unattainable. I’m not saying to completely alter yourself to the point where you don’t recognize who you are. But, whether we are ready or not, change is inevitable.
Change is inevitable because it becomes dull and predictable. Bear with me; let’s place ourselves mentally on a date with someone we just met. We have much in common, from sports talk to sharing similar family values, careers, and aspirations for Life. Wouldn’t you be concerned or bored if every date you experienced was like the 1st date continuously? Now, apply that to your fear of a job, your state/city, your apprehension to date, or to begin taking steps towards your life goal. It doesn’t sound fun. It sounds mundane, and it sounds exhausting. You are performing the same habits ritually because of the inability to surrender that we are not in control of the future in exchange for creating fear.
Fear can hold us back from so many things in Life. Fear can result in us shrinking ourselves to accommodate others’ happiness, and fear can restrain us from living vicariously and working toward our life goals. Fear keeps us lurking in the shadows, afraid of what others will think of us when we dance in front of a crowd, laugh out loud in a crowded restaurant, and cry at our favorite romcoms. Fear is something we can control, and unfortunately, it is something we can become comfortable holding on to. But not anymore, my beautiful community, because it is time to release fear and to say no more!
It is time to give fear back to where that nasty creature was first instilled in us because we have been carrying this baggage for too long. Take pride in the little things that lead to more significant life changes. Embrace the journey, and admit when we are disappointed when the story didn’t begin or end how we imagined, but instead, we had to learn quickly how to pivot. Allow change into your world by accepting what you can and cannot control. Release the baggage of perfection, release the baggage of “the right moment,” and live every single millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year as the right moment in Life. You never know your capability until you fully surrender, free yourself of burden, embrace the truest vibrancy of your authentic self, and take those leaps of faith. Sometimes, we will land uncomfortably during transitions in Life, but don’t allow fear to control you, nor do you avoid exploring new experiences that will lead to more significant awards.
They will only appear after some time. But they will add up to your most incredible story. We are not alone in this journey in Life; we all have scars and bruises that are invisible to the eye. But we are resilient. We are not weak, we are not confused, and we are not too small for our wildest dreams. We are on time, we are meant for success, we are meant for our wildest dreams to come true, and we are competent, but it must begin within our internal dialogue first. Release the comfort of the known, truly step into your calling, and accept change! Do not be obsessed by your follower count, but take head to your passions for yourself first and foremost. Fill up your cup, show up for yourself, and make changes. Who knows, when that day comes when your crowd finally finds you, they will see the beauty in the consistency and persistence to achieve your dreams and achieve that book deal and podcast you’ve always wanted.
“What if it doesn’t come true? Ah, but what if it doesn’t?!”
- Peter McWilliams